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A Warm Invitation to Church

This blog has been permanently relocated to Redirecting in seconds... Matthew 4:19 (And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.) “I do not care if you ever darken the doors of my church.” I would often say this to folks I am sharing the gospel with. My wife Jay did not like the tone of that statement and asked me to stop saying it. Tone aside, however, I mean it. I first said it to a person who accused me of evangelizing because I want more people to come to my church so offerings can increase. Our youth pastor lamented in a recent sermon, “We invite folks to a location rather than to the Person of Jesus Christ. That captures perfectly what I have felt all along. Too often, Bible believing Christians make it a habit to invite folks to a location. I decided years ago that I will never invite anyone to church without first tryin

Social Justice and the Gospel (Part 2 of 2)

Episode 13

Part 2

In this episode of the Removing Barriers podcast we continued our discussion with Josh and Marie. We discussed their comfort level with the many racial challenges facing light and dark brown folks in society today and we got their perspectives on these issues.

We ended the show with the solution to social justice: the love which Christ demonstrated on the cross and repentant faith in His finished work.

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